CRM Whitepaper: Making Customer Experience a Reality
Type: Whitepaper
Author: Strativity Group, Sponsored by RightNow Technologies
Length: 11 pages
Cost: Free. Registration required.
::: Making Customer Experience a Reality – Five Steps from Vision to Execution :::
This whitepaper distills the five steps, from vision to execution, to better align your organization with your customers.
Customer experiences are true indicators of corporate health and brand strength; driving revenue growth, preventing customer attrition and increasing market share. They are the competitive differentiators and can help fuel an organization’s success. Yet, for all the evidence supporting customer centricity, companies remain largely product-centric with transaction rather than customer relationship-based business models.
From customer interactions to empowering employees with the resources they need to deliver great experiences, the state of customer strategy execution remains poor.
Why does this happen? Read the rest >>>
Filed under: CRM Whitepapers