CRM whitepaper: Delivering a seamless customer experience
Type: Whitepaper
Author: Peppers & Rogers Group
Length: 10 pages
Cost: Free. Registration required.
::: Stop random acts of CRM – Delivering a seamless customer experience :::
The premise of this whitepaper is the inability of companies to execute their CRM as an integrated whole where marketing, sales, and service work seamlessly. Instead what we get to see is CRM initiatives being undertaken in isolation and many such silos of CRM activities co-exist performing random acts of CRM; however such acts cannot consistently pull in the same direction at the same time. This results in the frittering away of a company’s energy. In delivering a seamless customer experience the focus is on communicating with the customer through his preferred channel.
Find out how to eliminate random acts of CRM
Filed under: CRM Whitepapers