CRM whitepaper: Getting the most out of your CRM data

Type: Whitepaper
Author: PureData CRM
Length: 11 pages
Cost: Free. Registration required

::: Managing CRM data for B2B Sales Performance :::

A CRM deployment invariably leads to a large amount of data generation. The solution is to ensure that the data which originates from disparate business processes is combined effectively via customer information management.

The efficacy of a CRM implementation depends upon the relevance of the data it gathers. Data quality degrades at the rate of 2% to 3% each month and soon even good data ceases to be of use to the company.

Data management requires that the following things be given due consideration – business objectives, data compliance, data duplication, data consolidation, data suppression, and address management. Effective data management empowers organizations and enables them in executing business initiatives effectively. These include Mergers & Acquisitions, increased competition, market share pressure, a desire to sell a portfolio of product of services, maximizing the share of the customer wallet, etc.

Find out how to get the most out of your CRM data >>>

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