Drive Efficiency Gains with Sugar CRM
The new Sugar CRM offers a short cut bar that makes the application simple and easier to manage. You will be able to navigate your way through the program with ease and efficiency. The short cut bar located at the top of the page you are viewing, makes your user experience much more enjoyable and more familiar to you.
If you used an older version of the product then you know that there was room for improvement. The new Sugar CRM is faster and has a more user friendly feel to it. The look of the program is more up to date and the services offered are faster and more efficient. The new Sugar CRM has the feel of some of the popular social networking sites that people are already accustomed to using, so the changes will be quite popular among most.
Another popular feature that Sugar CRM is offering is a community version of the product which will sell as an enterprise edition. The new edition will be available on some mobile devices as well as in businesses. The upgrades have been wonderful and this will allow more choices and freedom in using your new Sugar CRM application.
It is difficult to determine the number of business that were using the older versions of Open Source CRM, but it is likely that they will all take a look at the new Sugar CRM and see that the changes have been made for the better. Having a system that is quicker and more efficient is always a positive thing for a business owner. The new Sugar CRM offers just that. Speeding up an old program is something that comes with the times, the new Sugar CRM is quicker than the older version and offers many more choices and options for businesses than in the past.
Taking something that was already great such as Open Source CRM and improving it with the new Sugar CRM is just one way companies are trying to stay ahead of their competitors. By choosing Sugar CRM your company will be able to do the same. Knowing what is out there and available to you will allow you as a business owner, to make the right choice for your business. If your company is already using an older version of the product and you have found concerns or difficulties in using it then taking a look at the new Sugar CRM could be exactly what you need. Speeding up processes and streamlining work are some of the things that these tools are for; and Sugar CRM is no exception to that rule.