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The Top CRM Options in 2010

The Top CRM Options in 2010 is obviously a fully online solution that is the top CRM for cloud (web-based) computing. What sets it apart is the ability for anyone in your organization to access the information they need, from almost anywhere in the world. This makes it a potentially ideal option for nearly any size business. The ability to customize your company website is also a bonus. Users have reported import/export issues, but is working to improve those functions.

Oracle CRM is the top CRM software provider in the world. Like most companies and they have several options for their customers, depending on the size of the company. With both on-premise and software as a solution options, it tries to have solutions for everyone. Also, it integrates with various social networking sites, while many of their competitors do not have the capability with their products. Most CRM solutions will work with social sites eventually, but Oracle is already there.

SalesLogix CRM software is made by The Sage Group, and is another top CRM provider. This award winning software is used by thousands of companies. It is best suited for small and medium sized companies. It integrates with the rest of the Sage Group accounting and business management software, which helps your company be more efficient, but can cost extra if you do not already have those systems.

Goldmine CRM, by FrontRange Solutions, has been around for a long time and boasts the world’s largest CRM user base. They have used this knowledge to tailor their software to meet the needs of what their customers are telling them, and to help keep them as a top CRM provider. Some customers have dinged Goldmine for its user interface, but with such a large customer base, it is hard to please everyone.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM software is the top CRM offering of Microsoft Corp. As you would expect, it was created to integrate seamlessly with the Microsoft Office software, including Outlook. It also allows users to have easy access to information while on the go, in a very easy to read format. However, Microsoft Dynamics usually is installed by a Microsoft partner, so it can be difficult to save money with your IT people doing the leg work.

Maximizer CRM has just about all the features you expect from a top CRM solutions provider, including contact and opportunity management, integration with other popular business software, multiple options for purchase, and mobile access to your Salesforce. What sets Maximizer apart is the relatively inexpensive cost to deploy. For the price, something has to give and some users report difficulty using their tech support and getting online access.

There are literally dozens of options out there. These are just some of the top CRM packages available. Some packages are made for non-profits, some for small business, and some for the largest companies in the world. Do your homework, and you will see great results with any of these top CRM companies, or many others.