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10 Powerful Ways To Increase Your Sales

If you are selling something online, these tips will help you explode your sales. If you are not using some of them already, you should consider implementing them on your website.

When you design your salespage, you should follow some specific guidelines. You only have a couple of seconds to catch your visitor's attention before he/she surfes away. No-one will spend 10 minutes reading your salesletter, or waiting for your page to load. Surfers are always in a hurry!

1. Try to be very clear about what your product is, what it can do and what benefits will it bring to your customers. BE HONEST!

2. Don't sell a product you wouldn't buy yourself. How can you expect someone to buy your product, if you think it's not worth buying?

3. Don't write too much information.

4. Separate a few sentences with a paragraph. It makes it easier for reading.

5. Your page must load quickly. Avoid putting large pictures on your site. Not every internet user has a high-speed connection. Many of them are still using dial-up connection and if your page takes too much time to load, they will usually surf away.

6. In your description, INVITE your visitor to go to the order form and buy your product. You should do this more than once.

7. When you start selling your product, you can e-mail your customers and ask them politely to send you testimonials. You should notify them that you plan to use their testimonial for advertising purposes. After you receive testimonials, put them somewhere on your site.

8. Place a Money Back Guarantee ALWAYS! Don't be afraid that you will loose money. If you put a guarantee, that means that you are standing behind your product, and it will also build credibility and lower the risk to your customer. You will more likely make a sale with a guarantee than without it.

9. You should place an e-mail gathering form on your website, so you can follow-up on your customers. It is very unlikely that someone will buy something from you on their first visit to your site and this is an excellent way to bring them back later. You can offer your visitors some free information, or free e-book in exchange for their e-mail address. After they enter their e-mail address, you can then send them some e-mails explaining them the benefits of your product, and INVITE them to visit your site and make a purchase.

10. Consider starting your own affiliate program. It will help you increase your sales and at the same time reduce your marketing expenses.

About the Author:

This Article was written by Jaksa Dubljanin. Jaksa is a student of medicine and a part-time successful internet marketer. Visit Jaksa's blog: DrJale's Make Money Online Blog This article may be reprinted and published as long as the resource box remains intact.