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Customize Your Business Email Marketing Campaign To Increase Sales

If your email campaigns only talk about what YOU think and nothing about the subscriber, no personal touches, guess what? Your subscribers will get tired very soon of reading your emails. Many will unsubscribe and forget about your products. You wouldn't want to lose subscribers so quickly, right?

Your subscribers want to know that you don’t focus on money, but on helping them. In other words, you’re not just sending them emails on products to buy. You also send them free information. You talk to them by telling them some personal information.

Put yourself in the subscriber’s shoes. What types of emails do you want to read? You would want to feel special by getting unique offers from someone that knows what you bought, where you live, and what your interests are.

The question is, how do you make them feel special? Here is how: by sending customized emails with your email autoresponder. Still not convinced? Here’s some proof that your subscribers WANT customized information.

--- According to one of the findings of the Second Annual Personalization Survey for ChoiceStream Inc. (a provider of online personalization technology) 80% of consumers in the survey said they are interested in receiving personalized content.

Get ready to build a friendly relationship with your subscribers with these 2 easy steps.

--- Step 1- You need to have at least these 7 pieces of information next to your subscriber’s name in your database.

Does your subscriber list just have name and email address? Do you know who already bought 3 of your products? Do you know which subscriber has been receiving your emails for months? Who subscribed this week?

Once you know this information and use it in your emails, you’ll start treating them like friends. Without it, you come across as an owner focusing on just getting money, not on getting to know his subscribers so he can help them better. Show your subscribers you do care for them and want to help them.

Start today and begin to sort your subscriber list by:

1- Name
2- Email address
3- Date subscribed to newsletter or free information
4- City state country they live in
5- Interests
6- Products bought
7- Free reports downloaded

--- Step 2: Writing and sending customized emails to your subscribers with their personal information.

Don’t send the same email marketing campaign to ALL your subscribers. Before writing a message in your email autoresponder, constantly think of ways you can make your subscribers feel special. In simple words, be creative. Use one of the 7 subscriber categories like 'date subscribed to newsletter' or 'state they live in' to personalize your emails.

You’re welcome to read these three examples of personalized emails. You’ll get more ideas to create your own customized emails to make your subscribers feel special.

1) Personalized email using the “Date subscribed to newsletter” category:

Hi Liz, I’d like to thank you for being a subscriber to my “5 Herbs to Improve Health” ezine for 2 months now. I want to make sure you’re finding my ezine useful. By the way, which herb do you enjoy cooking the most? Please let me know, and I’ll be glad to send you a special free report on that herb. My favorite herb is Moroccan mint.

2) Personalized email using the “state they live in” category:

Hi Harry, I see you subscribed to my “Boost your metabolism with green tea” ezine. How are you taking your green tea, liquid or supplements? I see you live in Nebraska. I had a chance to visit it when I went to see my cousin a month ago. I’m offering you my new e-book “Bored with the green tea taste? 3 best Green Tea varieties to take.” Only my subscribers who live in Nebraska can get it at 30% off. The discount will expire in 4 days. After 4 days the rest of my subscribers can buy it at regular price.

3) Personalized email using the “products bought” category:

Have an updated version of your e-book “5 herbal remedies for the lactose intolerant?” Email your subscribers who bought the original version first.

For instance, Hi Kelly, I hope you enjoyed reading my ebook “5 herbal remedies for the lactose intolerant.” I wanted to give the latest information in that ebook. So I interviewed researchers at Harvard and included the latest research on herbal remedies on my updated version of “5 herbal remedies for the lactose intolerant.” Because you already bought the original version, I’m offering you the updated one at 15% off! After 5 days, people would need to buy it a the regular price.

Using the bulk email marketing strategy of sending customized emails you’ll see less people “unsubscribe” from your list. More of them will buy your offers, and recommend your products to their friends. You can do these changes in less than an hour, with practice, they'll come automatically when you write emails. Don't let marketing by email frustrate you.

About the Author:

Ashley Keane offers tips on how to start an internet business & profitable internet marketing tips on Visit for your 7 FREE email marketing TIPS on "How to get your customers to OPEN YOUR emails, finish reading them and BUY your products."