Unless you're a hypnotist you will never be able to control people. But you can influence the way people react, in ways that can benefit you. You can let people do what they want to do while you influence their decisions in certain situations. This article will show you ways to do that.
First Know What You Want
Fix the idea of what you want to achieve in this association or relationship firmly in your mind. Know exactly what you want and expect and clarify any vague objectives you may have. Clarity of purpose is the first step to putting your influencing abilities to work.
There are three main things that people subconsciously seek in any relationship. They are:
1. Recognition
2. Material Rewards
3. Confidence & Trust in Others
We all have the need for recognition and praise. Everybody wants and needs to feel important and
special. The act of praising and recognizing another is a strong motivator. Always reward with
praise, and give positive, constructive criticism only if absolutely needed. Remember that old cliche' your Mother used to tell you, "If you can't say something nice about someone don't say anything at all"? This is impossible in a business relationship.
Everybody possesses some quality that they can be recognized for and complimented on. You may have to search deeply for it, but when you find it let your customer or associate know how admirable you find such a quality. If you are patient, in time you will see the results of your praise.
Material rewards mean a lot to people, whether they realize it or not. Always add a little extra to your product or service and let the customer know, discreetly of course, that they are receiving the bonus because you value and respect them, and their patronage.
Be sincere and don't go overboard. They will see right through phoniness and you will have lost the trust and confidence that you are attempting to gain.
Over Deliver
Promise people alot, and then give them more. This is the way the highest achievers have made it. Tell people what you will do for them and then do it... and more.
Everyone needs to feel that the person they are dealing with is trust-worthy and has their best
interest at heart. This can be attained when people know exactly who they are doing business with and what is expected from them. We need this in our business associates, jobs, friends, family, etc. There are several ways to increase another's feelings of trust and confidence:
a) Let people know exactly who they are dealing with and how they can get in touch with you. Don't hide behind a Website with a fake email address or no address at all. Put all of your contact information, including telephone number and snail mail address right out front where it is easily found.
b) Let people know what you have to offer and what you will be receiving from them in return. Tell them why the association or relationship you have with them is important to you.
c) Let them know how their association with you is helping you. They know the main objective of your
business is to make money. If you try to pretend otherwise you'll turn them off in a heartbeat. Make them feel important and special to you because they are, or at least they should be. If all you see from any business transaction is what's in it for you regardless of what you have to do to get it your customer will sense this and take their business to the next comparable Website down the information super-highway. Show them that they are appreciated and you and your business will be appreciated. Positive testimonials and recommendations from happy and satisfied customers are worth as much, if not more, than a number one ranking in the search engines.
Understand Expectations
Have a clear understanding of what your customer or associate expects of you and what you actually expect of yourself from this association. People often set unrealistic and sometimes unattainable goals for themselves and others. If all parties know the hoped for results in the relationship from the beginning it will be much easier to obtain those results.
Emphasize Comfort
Make sure people are comfortable in their association with you. If they are not, ask yourself what you are or are not doing that could be causing their uneasiness. If you can't think of the reason behind their reluctance or insecurity, ask. Then LISTEN to the answer and solve the problem. It will mean alot to them to know that you put forth the extra effort to calm or dispel their insecurities.
Don't Play The "Blame Game"
No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, but do we all live up to them? If you make a mistake, apologize for it. If you are wrong, admit your error. Do not feel guilty about your honest mistakes. Instead look at them as a learning ground.
Don't be guilty of "passing the buck." If your name is on that business then a screw-up is your responsibility. If one of your employees makes a mistake it's still your mistake. Don't pass it off as your employee's fault. This will make you look childish and immature. Not enough people in today's society take responsibility for their own actions. Everybody wants to pass the blame.
I would rather deal with someone who admits a mistake, especially if it was not of their own making, and attempts to correct it, than to do business with someone who plays the "it wasn't my fault game." You'll find your customers and associates will have much more respect for you also.
Be Persistent
Resolve to do everything better and be persistent until you attain the results you've been trying to achieve. Anything worth doing once is worth doing again. Don't let rejection or any other negative experience stop you. Learn from the negatives, better yourself, and keep on going.
Do Unto Others
If you are unwilling to go out of your way for your customers or associates, don't expect them to go out of their way for you. You need to set the first example.
Give People What They Want
If you want something from others, you must first give. Don't expect others to make the first move - you have to. If you want to be successful in life and business, you must make the first move. Everybody has certain goals and objectives they wish to achieve. If you can help them reach their goals and objectives, they will want to return the favor. Give people what they want, but more than they expected and you will always be ahead.
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About the Author:
Sharon Bray-McPherson is the owner of E-Commerce Made EZ - specializing in Wholesale, Dropshipping and Online Auctions. Be sure to visit our newly redesigned website and expanded services, including the Wholesale RSS Directory. |