What does a top waitress know that you need to know too?
We all know that TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More and there’s no I in TEAM. But do you know what TIPS originally stood for?
Long ago, before restaurants and hotels told us how much we “owe” in tips and gratuities, a tip was always given up front. It still is in some locations (e.g., some doormen and concierges and maitre d’s). Why? TIPS stands for To Insure Proper Service. Offering a tip to someone was a way to insure they gave you the best service possible. The server was on his/her toes to be attentive to meeting the customer’s every need; to keep the customer completely satisfied with the experience of their meal, taxi ride, sky cap, etc.
In contrast, today most of us decide what to leave as a tip after: a service is provided, the meal is served, room service is helpful, or a hairdresser or manicurist does their job. Many factors, such as service, courtesy, quality, price, even ambience, influence us in deciding how much to tip someone.
When it comes to excellent sales or customer service what do you deliver? To earn the tip – even if it’s not coins in the cup or left on the table - here are some quick ideas to apply without exception:
Start with a smile. Smiles are contagious and inviting.
Engage clients and prospects in a warm friendly manner that connects with them, whether you are inviting them into a conversation or into your establishment.
Be sincerely helpful. That means you do not expect anything in return for your helpfulness. In sales and customer service your job is to serve.
Tell customers/clients how nice it was to serve them. Again be sincere. They know if you are just reciting a script.
Thank them. Thank them at the conclusion of every encounter. And invite them back, leaving the door open to more opportunities.
Waiters, bellboys, flight attendants, etc. do this all the time. To stand out, in the minds of your clients and prospects, you must too.
About the Author:
Kerri Salls, MBA runs a virtual business school to train, consult and coach small business CEO's and entrepreneurs in 10 key strategies to make more profit in less time. Learn more at http://www.breakthrough-business-school.com/products.html or sign up for a free weekly newsletter at http://www.breakthrough-business-school.com/newsletter.shtml |