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Sales Force Automation Articles

81 Amazing Ways To Boost Traffic To Your Website-And Make Sales
1. Design your web site to be a targeted resource center. Choose one subject and build on it. You'll gain repeat visitors that are interested in that topic. 2. Offer something that is really free. If people go to your site and what you said was free really isn't, you'll lose their trust and they won't buy anything. 3. Add a chat room or message board to your web site. People want to interact with other people that have ... Author: Paul Kellum
82 Tracking Your Sales Organizations Efforts For Increased Bottom Line Profits
Tracking your sales efforts goes much more beyond keeping good statistics on the amount of sales your team makes or the tracking the amount of prospects that call or visit your company. Marketing result tracking is a succinct method, bordering a science, but a science that can be easily adopted into your organization. In fact, many organizations have built simple tracking methods through ... Author: Paul Kellum
83 Increase Sales With These Innovative Tips
1. Show your prospects how much enthusiasm you have for your product and business. If you're convincing enough, they will be enthusiastic too. 2. End your sales letter or ad copy with a strong closing. It could be a free bonus, a discount price, a benefit reminder, an ordering deadline, etc. 3. Please your complaining customers. You can ... Author: Paul Kellum
84 What's In It For Me? How To Turn Your Ego Into Sales
Us humans are a bunch of selfish egomaniacs. All we really care about is what's in it for us. No matter what we do, it ultimately comes down to self-satisfaction. At work, when interviewing for a promotion all we think about the new salary, what we will buy with it. We think about the prestige the new position will get us. You read this newsletter because you hope that there might be ... Author: Ingvar Grimsmo
85 Strong Arm Sales Stop Success Cold
It happens more often than you’d ever guess – in fact, it might be happening at the booth right next to yours. Recent surveys of trade show attendees show that the most dissatisfied attendees are those who purchase something that they really didn’t want. Needless to say, these attendees don’t have a high opinion of those companies ... Author: Susan Friedmann
86 10 Terrific Ways To Energize Your Sales
1. Ask your customers to fill out a brief survey. You'll be able to gain valuable information from your customers that will help you to make your site more productive. 2. Offer a bonus. Provide a bonus that will appeal to your target audience and that they'll view as very valuable. For example, you could offer free software, an ebook that can't be found anywhere else, or a ... Author: Ken Hill
87 Sales Strategies For Entrepreneurs: The #1 Way To Skyrocket Your Sales This Year
Completely grasp the power of the Best Buyer Concept and you will double your sales within the next twelve months. The concept is easy to understand, yet powerful: There's always a smaller number of ideal buyers, compared to all the possible buyers, so ideal buyers are cheaper to market to and yet bring greater ... Author: Chet Holmes
88 Building A Strong Downline Relationship In Your Direct Sales Business
Congratulations! You've got a strong direct sales downline or are beginning to build one! This is one of the best parts of being a direct sales consultant, - the fact that you can share your passion for your business with others, help them to earn a little extra money and get paid for helping grow your company as well. Now that you are a leader of a team, you'll need to ... Author: Annette Yen
89 Sales Vs. Marketing
From a view point of a person not involved in sales or marketing , sales & marketing are considered as one function. But the deeper you go in this field you will realize how different this two functions are and how bitter these personnel can become on each other even though they serve a common purpose to ... Author: Santosh Pania
90 One Powerful Word That Will Boost Your Sales
What if I told you that there is one single word that can improve your sales exponentially? This single word is so powerful that not only will it change your sales, but it will change your lifestyle! You will finally learn how to market the RIGHT way to your customers! What is this magical word? The word is "you"! What is so magical about ...

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