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Real-time Dashboards - Dashboard Personalization Features

NetSuite CRM Software Overview

Real-time Dashboards
Dashboard Personalization Features

Real Time Dashboard

For many companies, personalization means offering individually targeted advertising to online shoppers, or suggesting additional products based on a consumer's past buying habits. But companies can also use personalization to make their employees more effective. Additionally, personalized software leads to wider end-user adoption, and hence, greater ROI for the company.

NetSuite's CRM Software Application gives you the two keys to building a stronger workforce: personalization and customization. When you run your business on NetSuite CRM, your employees' Dashboards become their daily command centers, offering all the tools and resources they need to do their jobs better.

  • Drag and drop and point and click configuration make it simple for everyone to personalize NetSuite CRM.
  • Personalization lets users get the most from NetSuite CRM, boosting productivity and encouraging widespread end-user adoption.
  • Consolidating a range of information on the Dashboard gives users a true command center for their daily activities.
  • With RSS, users can track and assess important information on competitors, market trends, and other data, leading to a savvier, better-informed workforce.

  • Calendars, tasks and reminders let you use the Dashboard to manage your schedule, view tasks, and set reminders. For example, employees can set reminders to process the payroll, approve orders, or call customers.
  • Customization and drag-and-drop capabilities let you determine exactly how your Dashboard will look. Not only can you determine the kinds of reports you view on your Dashboard, but you can also customize the colors, calendars, tasks, indicators and reminders. You can easily arrange this information with drag-and-drop capabilities.
  • Really Simple Syndication (RSS) format support gives users a way to stream news content directly into their Dashboard. Users can access such resources as CBS MarketWatch, ESPN, CNN, or CNet. They can then track news on your biggest competitor, or on the progress of your company’s stock portfolio.