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NetSuite CRM Software Overview

NetSuite CRM Software Overview

Real-time Dashboards
Knowledge Management through Saved Searches

Real Time Dashboard

Knowledge management is more of a way of doing business than it is a type of product. And in the Internet age, a cornerstone of knowledge management is saved searches—that is, searches you create once and then execute repeatedly, getting dynamic results each time.

With NetSuite's CRM Software Application, you get the information you need by creating custom searches based on fields in your records. Saved searches allow you to view such information as your top-selling products, the number of support cases in your queue, or customers who have overdue invoices—virtually any search for any combination of components at your fingertips.

  • Data summarization tools give you more flexibility than ever before, allowing you to distill knowledge management data within your Dashboard, but without running the same, repetitive search every time.
  • With timely information at your fingertips, you can run your business better, making sure that your employees are targeting important industries and leads, as well as maximizing resources.
  • Customized searches let you see exactly the data you need, when you need it.

  • Search for records using compound searches. For example, you may search for “sales orders over the last month, for customers exclusively in California.”
  • Users can see all their saved searches, regardless of the role view they’ve chose on the Dashboard.
  • Summarize knowledge management data in custom reports with new count, sum, average, minimum and maximum parameters, simplifying the task of data analysis. For example, you can analyze leads by industry, or see how many new leads have come in for a particular industry.
  • Use eXtreme list editing to update opportunities, invoice customers, ship items, without having to go into the underlying records.