Strategies for Successful Systems Integration and Data Migration
Data is one of the most valuable and significant assets of any company. When implementing new technology, it is critical to develop a data migration and implementation strategy for dealing with legacy applications and other data sources. One of the most difficult parts of building any CRM System is the process of extracting, transforming, cleansing, and loading this data from the source system and integrating it seamlessly with your® solution. CoreMatrix consultants can help you navigate this challenging process so it is not painful, costly or overly cumbersome.
Key Benefits Offered by CoreMatrix:
- Consolidate all your customer information in one place
providing a 360-degree view of your customer - Quickly, easily and reliably migrate your data
- Save hours of data entry time and eliminate manual errors
Integration & Custom Development
Integration consists of CoreMatrix consultants identifying the integration business requirements, developing the integration architecture, establishing the integration environment, code development, testing and acceptance. Custom development involves extending the base functionality of utilizing the s-Force development platform, API and custom objects. This work allows us to build additional custom application modules within for the customer.
Data Migration
The migration and loading of legacy data is critical to the success of an implementation. During the course of the project our consultants will document all required data sources and formulate a strategy for loading legacy information into the application. The data migration plan will include the following:
- Data loading strategy
- Field definitions and data mapping
- Data extraction and cleansing
- Loading data
- Data validation